Friday, September 9, 2016

Apple fans watch iPhone 7 launch event so sexy it made PornHub traffic drop

The iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus are available in 32GB, 128GB and 256GB variants and will be launching in India on October 7. Prices for the iPhone 7 will start at Rs. 60,000, but the cost of the rest of the variants is not yet known.

Apple’s iPhone launch is among the biggest tech event in a calendar year, and during the keynote address, all eyes are glued to the screens in anticipation of what the iPhone-maker will unveil. By ‘all eyes’ we mean just about everyone who is interested in Apple, and popular porn website PornHub has the data to prove it. The website has shared some numbers showing how it saw a dip in traffic during Apple’s two-hour-long event.

PornHub says that Apple’s iPhones and iPad users account for over 35 percent of its 60 million daily visitors. During the iPhone 7 launch event though, the website saw a 9.5 percent dip in traffic from iOS devices. It also reveals that traffic from Safari browsers dipped by 8.8 percent during the live keynote presentation. “We found that worldwide traffic from iOS dropped as much as 9.5 percent during the show. Excitement over Apple’s shiny new ebony jet black handheld may also explain the increase over normal traffic in the hours immediately following the show,” the blog post reads. PornHub also revealed that in the hours following the iPhone 7 launch event, traffic from Safari browsers increased six percent over normal levels.

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