OnePlus could be on the road to compete against Xiaomi, as its flagship smartphone, the OnePlus is setting records online. The OnePlus 5 was launched in India on July 20 and went on sale the same day exclusively via Amazon India. Prior to its launch, the smartphone had garnered almost one million ‘Notify Me’ subscriptions on Amazon India. OnePlus has now announced that “the OnePlus 5 is now the highest grossing phone in the launch week” on Amazon India.
OnePlus shared its new achievement on Twitter and thanked its community who made this possible. Getting the tag of highest grossing smartphone in the launch week, this means that the OnePlus 5 garnered the most number of profits and sales on Amazon India. The smartphone is currently available via open sale on Amazon India. Despite criticisms, the OnePlus 5 is doing quite well for the company in India as the smartphone went out of stock in its first sale.
OnePlus also has introductory offers on purchasing the OnePlus 5 which include flat Rs 1,500 cash back for SBI card holders, and 10GB 4G data for Vodafone users. Adding to its laurels, OnePlus co-founder Carl Pei had tweeted that the OnePlus 5 is the company’s fastest selling device ever. The OnePlus 5 is available in two variants of 6GB RAM plus 64GB storage and 8GB RAM plus 128GB storage, priced at Rs 32,999 and Rs 37,999 respectively.
In terms of specifications, the OnePlus 5 features a 5.5-inch Full HD AMOLED display. The smartphone is powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 835 octa-core processor clocked at 2.45GHz. In the photography department, the smartphone sports a pair of 16-megapixel and 20-megapixel rear cameras. Up front, it houses a 16-megapixel camera for selfies and video calling.
Keeping the smartphone ticking is a 3,300mAh battery. On the software front, the OnePlus 5 runs on Android 7.1.1 Nougat with OxygenOS 4.5.0 out-of-the-box. OnePlus has started rolling out updates to OxygenOS. Its connectivity options include dual-SIM support, 4G LTE with VoLTE, Bluetooth 5.0, Wi-Fi and USB Type-C port.
OnePlus 5 |