Sunday, November 27, 2016

VLC media player now supports 360-degree videos and Photos

Everything needs to upgrade with time. The latest to join the VR bandwagon is VLC media player. The app which allows one to play video format on any platform has now added support for 360-degree immersive videos. This week, VLC unveiled a technical preview of the feature that allows its desktop app to play the newest format in videos. The preview is currently available for Windows and Mac machines. It is expected that the full VLC version 3.0 will be rolled out at the end of the month.

VLC has collaborated with 360-degree camera maker Giroptic to develop the feature for its app, which can display 360-degree photos, panoramas, and videos. Similar to how one watches 360-degree content on YouTube or social media platforms, all one needs to do is use the mouse and keyboard to control the point of view in the footage when viewing the content on VLC’s desktop app. The same capabilities will be extended to all platforms including its mobile apps for iOS, Android and Xbox One through which users will be able to experience content by moving their devices equipped with accelerometer.

Other than existing platforms, the new 360-degree feature of the VLC app will also support VR headsets such as the Oculus Rift, Google’s Daydream VR headset, and the HTC Vive in the coming year. The app is further getting 360-degree audio support which will include head tracking headphones, which would likely result in a more immersive experience. 

It is to be noted that currently, only the technical preview of the feature is out which means it is still short of perfection. For those willing to test the feature, the preview is available on along with some sample videos and images.

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